Thursday, September 10, 2015

FREE Kraft Barbecue Sauce and Bounty Basic paper towels at Schnuck's

I still need to finish my series on how to legally steal from the stores.  I hope you enjoyed the free television episodes that I've shared, in the mean time.

Right now, I wanted to quickly post about a deal going on at Schnuck's.  This pertains to the Schnuck's in Springfield, IL - but the FREE Kraft BBQ Sauce deal should pertain to ALL Schnuck's stores.  These stores are a great place to save money!!


The new Schnuck's ad has KRAFT BARBECUE SAUCE on sale for $1.00 each. ↵↵ If you print that coupon, you will get it for FREE! (The coupon is for $0.55 OFF, which they will raise to $1.00 OFF.)

The coupon does say "Redeemable at Walmart" - However: It's a MANUFACTURER'S coupon, so Schnucks should accept it. Just in case, you might want to print this out. (That's a good printout to have with you anyway, for the future.)

In addition to the KRAFT BBQ SAUCE, you can get BOUNTY BASIC SINGLE paper towel rolls for FREE at Schnucks. They are currently for $1.00 each, and this coupon is for $0.50 OFF:

Schnuck's will double the coupon, to $1.00 OFF.

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