Saturday, May 7, 2016

While We Wait: Pizza savings via RetailMeNot

I have been getting through some of my many To-Do's, and hope to finish my blog series here, on how to legally steal from the stores.

But I wanted to drop a quick note here, about the great Retail Me Not site.

After going for a walk with my parents, we just ordered three pizzas from Pizza Hut. (One is for another family, that my parents are picking up from the train station tonight.) There is an "online exclusive" paper coupon that we have, which offers any specialty or 5-topping pizza for $11.00.

An "unpopular coupon" on RetailMeNot offered the same deal, but for $10.00. I tried it, and it worked!

It is coupon code "2155" - Go to the coupon code field at Pizza Hut's website, and enter "2155" there. It will then give you the opportunity to order, using this deal. Or if you did your order first, and then entered the coupon code, it'd probably work too. This deal is $10.00 for any specialty or 5-topping Large pizza!

Please pray for me, as I try to get things organized, straightened out, monetized, and optimized. And check out our friend David Carlson's new book! I wish I had his productivity!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

While We Wait: Today's newspaper

My series on how to save money at the stores has been negligibly delayed, but in the posts I've done thus far, I did cover the issue of Sunday newspaper inserts.

From the Meijer Madness blog, I learned that today's Sunday newspaper contains five coupon inserts! (One mistake people make is thinking that the same inserts are going to be in each Sunday's newspaper.)

Today's newspaper contains:

2 The RedPlum (RP) Inserts
2 The SmartSource (SS) Inserts
1 The P&G Saver (PG) Insert

Here is a preview of some of the actual coupons that will probably be in aforesaid inserts.

If you haven't gotten the paper today, some stores will still have them tomorrow.