Whenever you shop online, you should almost never go directly to the website you want to use. If you do that, you're essentially throwing money away, that could be donated to a person, organization, or charity. You should always go, via someone's referral link.
That's a topic I'll discuss later on this blog.* For now however, I wanted to post my referral links, for coupon printing websites. I don't know if I'm allowed to post these to Social Media, but I can post them here. Many people print coupons, to save money at the stores. That's a key focus of this website! But when you print the coupons, don't go directly to Coupons.com or RedPlum.com. If you use someone's referral link, he/she will earn a few cents, for each coupon printed.
Red Plum
*Above, I mentioned the issue of shopping online. That will be discussed later, but right now, I did want to share one affiliate link.
NEVER go directly to Amazon.com. Always go to that site, via the referral link of an "Amazon Associate." The Associate will earn a referral commission for any purchase made at Amazon - but it won't affect your purchase process!
My Amazon Associates referral link is: http://amzn.to/2hYHG8v
I've created a shortcut url, to that same link. I don't think we're allowed to post those here, though. But just use the link above.

Please use that link - or use someone else's! - whenever you shop at Amazon.com.
If you go directly to these websites, it's like throwing money away.